For those of you who don't know this is the Houston Legend HAWK. This dude was making a path for the Gritboys and the Grid.Iron before we even knew who we were. He continues to support us in our efforts. Thanks big bro!
reported by the forgotten i
"Pretty" Todd E. Berry & "Calvin Earl" Avent
What up PT,
This is Tony-C. You probably don't remember me but I rolled up to the grid.iron back in August with Bavu to lay down some tracks. The whole crew was in the house, bbk, calvin earl, poppy, scoo, lil o and you of course. Thanks for the hospitality man it's much appriciated. I got a few pics from of the studio session from that day if you want to check them out sometime. Just hit me up at tony-c@w4wmusic.com and I'll shoot them your way. Did yall ever move into the new studio? Keep up the good work man. Holla
HAWK is my fav S.U.C. artist.
So original and so dope.
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