Aahhha I was able to find Juelz Santana's lyric sheet. Actually let me clarify Juelz writes his lyrics in his mind not on paper. However, the scribble-scratch on the paper is a method he uses to make his wordplay fit into a rhyme scheme appropriate for the rhythm of the beat. This is why these are the only words on the peice of paper for a 16 bar verse and a hook (chorus for the dummies).
Posted by The Heart of a Huslta
Kinda like that boy poppy... (lyric writing).. but i got enough to read in school... im talkin bout HEARING the song..
The next step for me is to place it on an album...then u will hear it.
puttin it on the net isnt gonna pay the bills i see.. i see you moving up in this world.. "fuck an "l" gotta get nothin but them dubya's.."
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